Click the button
or select menu item <Analysis><Transformation> to create new series.
Select tool:
- Copy to exchange (X, Y), to exchange (Y, Z), transpose (X, Y) to (row number, X) or to (row number, Y),
flip X or flip Y values, simulate data (Y values) with random error, to apply function.
- Linear to translate, scale, rotate data.
- Subtract to subtract or divide data on const, or to subtract baseline, or to subtract function you input.
There is a feature to find and extract baseline.
- Formula to transform points.
- Normalize to normalize data between Y limits you define.
- Prune to skip or to combine rows (take the arithmetic mean or the harmonic mean or the geometric mean) and or exclude data out of limits X.
- Spikes to exclude random spikes or to exclude close points.
- Neighbours to exclude replicating points, or to exclude points near existing plot, or to exclude points near function.
- Smooth to apply adjacent averaging.
- Interpolate to generate a new curve with a constant spacing on the X axis.
- Differentiate to calculate derivatives.
- Integrate to calculate integrals.
- Convex Hull to construct a discrete Convex Hull as a new series.
- >Procrustes analysis to find a new series.
- Filter to eliminate noise with FFT filters.
In all dialogs you can modify properties of new series
(formulas, parameters, color, radius and so on).
It is possible to transform selected points ( u, v ) and create new series of points
( x, y ) in the form
y( u, v ) = f2(u, v), x( u, v ) = f1(u, v).
You can use parameters a, b, c, d in formula: Const; Medium values of x and y;
Any Function or the Formula you created.
- Only variables u, v and parameters a, b, c, d are possible in formula expression.
- Default value of parameters is 0.
The set of operations and functions.
See the formula.
See example how to transform points.